

27 June 2015 - 06 September 2015
Via Alessandro Manzoni, 51 - La Spezia

Menhir Arte Contemporanea has the pleasure to introduce PITTURAeANALITICA, a collective exhibition of four Masters of European painting, opening Saturday 27th June 2015 at 19.00, in its venue located in via A. Manzoni 51, La Spezia.


Noël Dolla, Ulrich Erben, Claude Viallat and Gianfranco Zappettini, who, during the seventies, were amongst the main representatives of Analytical Painting, are still nowadays important protagonists of international abstract painting and this exhibition suggests a sort of dialogue between past and present, through a comparison of recent and historical works by them. It will be possible, in fact, to enjoy artworks dating from the nineties and the two-thousands, enriching the excursus about these authors and offering an overall view about an international sensitivity still very lively nowadays.

The French Dolla and Viallat are two of the members of Supports/Surfaces, the group embracing the suggestions of Nouveau Réalisme and Arte Povera in Nice between the end of the sixties and the beginning of the seventies, bringing in painting the social revolution of 1968.

During those same years, respectively in Germany and in Italy, Erben and Zappettini were, instead, moving on from Concrete Art and Conceptual Art, assimilating their most innovative points such as the rigor of composition and the main role of thinking in the pictorial process, considering painting as a language, with its own grammar and syntax.


As Alberto Rigoni, curator of the show, writes: “Here is the reason why the unique title of this exhibition is divided into the two parts and shades that form it (Painting, a word referring more to the various colors, gestures and supports and Analytical, revealing a reflection upon the method and language used) - two different attitudes and interests connected in history and still echoing in the most recent works of these four Masters”.